Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mexican Radio

This morning I got in 3 miles, but the issue music. I rarely run with music. Usually I just enjoy thinking and trying to solve the worlds problems in my mind while I log my miles. It can also be pretty dangerous running with headphones. A lot of people run with music. Most marathons say that it is against their rules to allow runners to participate with headphones in, but I have never seen any group enforce it. Let me say that running next to someone for any period of time with "Eye of the Tiger" blaring at volume ten can be extremely annoying. The last time I ran with my music was about a month ago, pre-dawn, with traffic and I could not hear a thing. Later a fellow runner fussed at me because she passed me in her vehicle, honked, and I didn't even hear her. Yeah... that was probably a bad idea on my part. See, last year for Christmas, Cathy got me these really cool headphones that fit perfectly in your ears and drown out ALL NOISE!!!

Anyway, this morning I ran with my music and those bomb headphones (known as yurbuds). One problem; my iPhone kept playing the same song over and over again. I stopped to fix it, to no avail. It is impossible to get an iPhone to do anything with gloves on. I figured that I would just solve the problem when I returned home. I mean, I'm only going 3 miles, how bad can it be? Do you know how irritating it can be to run for 30 minutes listening to the same song. Don't get me wrong, I think Wall of Voodoo's "Mexican Radio" is a great song, but after 5 or 6 times of "I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbecued iguana," you start to get a little aggravated. Oh well, when I got home I just turned the music off.

It seems that... maybe I do have to hear something 5 or 6 or 10 times to finally hear what's being said. Most of the time God has to continually tell me, even yell at me to listen to his voice, to see him moving, to be humble, to work diligently, to love others, to read his word, to spend time with him. He tells me these things over and over again. Sometimes I get home and turn him off.

Most times I turn him off before I even leave the house.

Towards the end of my run, I just stopped listening to the words of the song. I pray that I don't stop listening to the words of my Savior. Keep talking God. I will try to pay attention. Sometimes I am "on a wavelength far from home."

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